Are you ready to experience life in campus housing? While the idea of living in a residence hall and having a roommate might seem nerve-wracking, it really is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! This is where some of your best college memories will be made—crazy all-night study sessions with friends, late-night pizza runs with your roommate, learning the joys of doing your own laundry and maybe even attempting to cook. Forget your nerves and get ready for some fun!
Helpful Information
- Residential Halls
- Apartments
- Exemption Policy
- How to Apply
- Room & Apartment Rates
- Housing FAQs
- Stay & Save
- Housing Options & Assistance for LGBTQIA Students
- What Should I Bring?
- View Room Assignments
- How-To Information
- Forms/Contracts
- RA Program
- Staff
Top 8 Reasons to Live on Campus at NDSCS
- Increases the likelihood of achieving academic and personal success.
- Convenient and within walking distance to everything on campus.
- Affordable room rates.
- On-Campus community of friends and support.
- Leadership and personal development opportunities.
- Many types of hall/room options across 6 residence halls and 3 apartment buildings.
- In-hall staff that provide resources and support when you need it.
- Fun and educational program opportunities.