Wellness & Belonging

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To cultivate a campus culture that promotes holistic well-being, equity, and a sense of belonging for all members of the NDSCS community. 

Value Statement: 
We are committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment where individuals feel empowered to thrive academically, socially, and personally. Through collaboration, education, and advocacy, we aim to promote equity, celebrate diversity, and cultivate a strong sense of belonging among students, staff, and faculty. Our team values integrity, empathy, respect, and collaboration as we work towards creating a campus community where everyone feels valued, supported, and empowered to reach their full potential.


The concept of diversity includes respect and acceptance. It means understanding that each individual is unique and recognizing our distinct differences. These differences may include race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, mental health, religious beliefs, political beliefs or other ideologies. 

Diversity is the exploration of these differences in a safe and positive environment. It is about understanding each other and moving beyond tolerance to embracing and celebrating the vast extent of diversity contained within each individual.

NDSCS is Committed To:

  • Providing a respectful, safe and supportive environment that allows students and employees the opportunity to ask questions and express concerns.
  • Respecting and celebrating individual differences.
  • Developing teaching and learning opportunities necessary to promote cultural appreciation.
  • Developing effective communication skills including the interpretation of cultural verbal and non-verbal communication patterns.

WEB Events

NDSCS WEB Team: Events and Initiatives 

The NDSCS Wellness, Equity, and Belonging (WEB) Team is dedicated to fostering a supportive and healthy campus environment for students, staff, faculty, and the broader NDSCS community. Through various events and initiatives, WEB promotes awareness, education, and community engagement in key areas of wellness, equity, and belonging. 

Awareness Events: 

• Fargo/Moorhead Pride (August) – The NDSCS WEB Team is a proud sponsor of Fargo/Moorhead Pride and

 participates in tabling at Pride in the Park, providing resources and support for the LGBTQ+ community. 

• National Coming Out Day (October) – Tabling at both NDSCS locations to offer resources and support for LGBTQ+ students and allies. 

• Safe Zone Training – Educational sessions designed to create inclusive, supportive environments for LGBTQ+ individuals on campus. 

• Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women: Wildcats Wear Red (February) – A student-led initiative dedicated to raising awareness about the disproportionate violence faced by

 Indigenous women and girls. During a designated game, the men’s and women’s basketball teams wear red to honor those who are missing or have lost their lives. 

Orange Shirt Day (September 30th) – Observed to recognize and raise awareness of the impact of residential schools on Indigenous communities. 

Indigenous Peoples’ Day (October 14th) – Celebrated to honor Indigenous history, culture, and contributions. 

Black History Month (February) – Events and programming to honor Black history, culture, and achievements. 

• Women’s History Month (March) – Recognizing the contributions of women throughout history, featuring educational events and initiatives such as Equal Pay Day awareness. 
          o Equal Pay Day Tabling (AAUW Collaboration) – Raising awareness about the gender wage gap and advocating for pay equity. 

• Disability & Mental Health Awareness Month – Focused on promoting accessibility, inclusivity, and mental health resources. 

Health and Wellness Initiatives: 

Flu Shot Clinics (Fall) – Seasonal flu shot clinics are offered at the NDSCS Wahpeton campus to promote student and faculty health. 

• Suicide Awareness Month (September) – Events and resources to highlight the importance of mental health and suicide prevention. 

• Domestic Violence Awareness (October) – Campaigns and events focused on education, support, and advocacy for healthy relationships and survivors. 

• Wildcats Go Red – Raising awareness for heart health and cardiovascular disease prevention. 

• Substance Use Prevention Month & National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week (October) – Educational campaigns on responsible choices and substance abuse prevention. 

Campus and Collaborative Events: 

• Earth Day Campus Cleanup – An initiative focused on sustainability and environmental responsibility. 

• High Plains Annual Powwow (Collaboration with MSUM, NDSU, Concordia, M-State, and NDSCS) – Supporting and sponsoring an intercollegiate powwow celebrating Indigenous culture and traditions. This celebration brings together dance, music, and traditions that have been cherished and passed down through generations. Attendees can also appreciate the beauty of traditional regalia and the crafts showcased by Indigenous vendors. 
          o For more information on this year’s event, including location and date, please follow the Annual Woodlands & High Plains Powwow Facebook page

• Circle of Nations Collaboration for Sporting Events – Engaging in partnerships to promote community inclusion in athletics. 

• Wildcats Care Pantry – Free health products are available for students in need, including menstrual products, deodorant, shampoo, soaps, dental care, and more. Students are able to stop by and grab what they need – no questions asked or names recorded. All products donated by NDSCS Employees, the NDSCS Wellness, Equity, and Belonging team, and community members. 
          o NDSCS Wahpeton: Riley Hall113 Mondays – Thursdays 10am-2pm 
          o NDSCS Fargo: Tutoring Center – Room 147A 7:45am-4:45pm 

Staff Initiatives: 

• Fruit and Veggie Challenge – A campaign that encourages staff and faculty to incorporate more vegetables into their daily routines, while providing information about quality nutrition and fun trivia competitions. 

• Water Challenge – A four-week program designed to encourage staff and faculty to increase their daily water consumption. While water needs vary, the general guideline is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day. 

• Walking Wellness Program – Advocating for movement and physical activity within staff and faculty. 


Want to get involved? Email NDSCS.Wellness@ndscs.edu for more information on upcoming events and opportunities.

Wellness, Equity, and Belonging Team

Wellness, Equity, and Belonging (WEB) Exec Team:

  • Jenny Krueger
  • Taylor Thompson
  • Bethany Mauch
  • Heather Retzer


  • Amanda Hayes
  • Barry Frank
  • Benjamin Whitmore
  • Dara Bauer (Student Rep)
  • Isavel Haavig (Student Rep)
  • Bryan Poyzer
  • Leah Schauer
  • Lisa Braun
  • Margaret Brady
  • Mitchell Jobe
  • Morgan Yaggie
  • Rae Essig
  • Ronda Marman
  • Sybil Priebe
  • Abbie Lill
  • Anthony Rohr
  • Barbara Uhlich

Administrative Liaisons:

  • Sandi Gilbertson
  • Melissa Johnson
Equal Opportunity/Non Discrimination
Non Discrimination Statement

North Dakota State College of Science does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, gender identity/expression, genetic information, marital status, national or ethnic origin, mental or physical disability, public assistance status, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial or parental status, status as a U.S. veteran/service member, or participation in lawful activity off the employer’s premises during nonworking hours which is not in direct conflict with the essential business related interests of the employer. This non-discrimination statement applies to all phases of NDSCS’s employment process, admissions, financial aid programs and all other aspects of its educational programs and activities.

Furthermore, this non-discrimination statement applies to sexual harassment and sexual violence (forms of sexual discrimination) if such conduct has a negative effect on an individual’s educational or work environment, regardless if such conduct occurs on or off campus.

Equal Opportunity Policy

The North Dakota State College of Science is an equal opportunity employer and equal opportunity educator. NDSCS is fully committed to equal opportunity in employment decisions and educational programs and activities. All practices are in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws, for all individuals without regard to age, color, gender identity/expression, genetic information, marital status, national or ethnic origin, physical and mental ability status, public assistance status, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial or parental status, status as a U.S. veteran/service member, or participation in lawful activity off the employer's premises during nonworking hours which is not in direct conflict with the essential business-related interests of the employer.

Equal Opportunity Policy and Non-Discrimination Statement

Inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies at NDSCS should be directed to:

Executive Director of Human Resources
Haverty Hall 136
North Dakota State College of Science
800 Sixth St. North Wahpeton, ND 58076-0002
Phone: 701-671-2904

For Title IX inquiries, contact: 
Sandi Gilbertson
Executive Director of Human Resources
Haverty Hall 136
Phone: 701-671-2904

Office for Civil Rights
Chicago Office (Local OCR office for North Dakota)
U.S. Department of Education
John C. Kluczynski Federal Building
230 S. Dearborn Street, 37th Floor
Chicago, IL 60604

Telephone: 312-730-1560
FAX: 312-730-1576; TDD: 800-877-8339
Email: OCR.Chicago@ed.gov
Website: http://www.ed.gov/ocr/

For Section 504/ADA inquiries, contact:
Student Accessibility Coordinator
Old Main 230A
Phone: 701-671-2623

To Obtain Additional Information:
Contact the Student Advocate at 701-671-3000 (email: NDSCS.StudentWellness@ndscs.edu).

Contact your supervisor and/or call the Human Resources office at 701-671-2903 (email: ndscs.hr@ndscs.edu).

Safe Zone

All students, faculty and staff deserve to learn in an environment that’s supportive and friendly, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity/expression.

Safe Zone is a program designed to:

  • Educate people about sexual orientation and gender identity/expression issues.
  • Create a visible network of Allies to provide support to the NDSCS lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning (LGBTQ) community.
  • Provide accurate information about sexual orientation and gender identity/expression issues and resources within the community.

Safe Zone Allies are not personal counselors, but they offer a safe place for LGBTQ individuals to be themselves. An ally listens. An ally respects confidentiality. An ally offers support, personally and through outside resources and referrals. An ally understands!

For more information, visit www.ndscs.edu/safezone.

Meditation & Prayer Rooms

At NDSCS, we are proud of our diverse student body and recognize the need for meditation and prayer rooms.

The Student Advocate is available to assist students with identifying a space that works best for them. Contact the Student Advocate at Dana.K.Kasowski@ndscs.edu.

Reporting and Concerns
  • If you have witnessed a hate crime, please file a report.

For more information, please visit www.ndscs.edu/concern.

Don't Cancel Class Initiative

The “Don’t Cancel Class” initiative at NDSCS is intended to support faculty who may need to be away from class due to a professional or personal conflict. Professional staff can cover your class and present on a topic that may be related to your course or is relevant to college students and the issues they may face while in college. In addition to faculty, student organizations may request a presentation on any of the topics we have available.

Any questions regarding the Don't Cancel Class Initiative should be directed to Bethany Mauch at Bethany.Mauch@ndscs.edu and/or NDSCS.StudentWellness@ndscs.edu.

To submit a Don't Cancel Class Session Request Click Here.