College Readiness Courses

Based on ACT and/or ACCUPLACER scores, college readiness courses may be required before you can take college level English and Math courses or as a companion. A personal program of study will be developed based on scores, just for you. College readiness courses are offered each semester.

Reading Courses

Reading Courses
ASC 84 Critical Reading (Optional)

Develops critical reading comprehension and thinking skills through interpretation of selected reading materials. Includes distinguishing between fact and opinion, drawing inferences and conclusions, analyzing the organization of material, seeing relationships. (2 credits)

Topics covered include:

  • Engaging with reading: motivation, interaction, reading purpose, reading rate
  • Expanding your vocabulary: context clues, connotation and denotation, word parts
  • Identifying topics and main ideas: MAPPS-a plan for reading
  • Patterns of supporting details: major vs minor details, organizational patterns
  • Reading comprehension through note taking: annotate, paraphrase, recall
  • Critical thinking and reading: Bloom's taxonomy, fact checking as critical readers
  • Inferring meaning from details: generalizing, ID patterns, implied main ideas
  • Author's purpose and tone: objective vs subjective, figurative vs literal
  • Evaluating points of view: fact, opinion, bias, sources of trusted information
  • Applying critical thinking skills to visuals: tables, charts, graphs, photographs


Writing Courses

Writing Courses
ASC 86 College Writing Prep I

College Writing Prep I is a writing course designed to help students gain the skills of sentencing and paragraphing. Through conferencing, the instructor and student identify and prioritize writing problems. This course is designed to prepare students for College Writing Prep II. (2 credits)
Topics covered include:

  • Progress beyond sentences to full MLA style paragraphs
  • Create functional, grammatically correct sentences
  • Develop clear topics sentences and supporting details
ASC 87 College Writing Prep II

College Writing Prep II is a writing course designed to help students gain the skills of paragraphing and essay writing. Through conferencing, the instructor and student identify and prioritize writing problems. This course offers a transition to entry-level English composition courses. (2 credits)
Topics covered include:

  • Progress beyond paragraphs to fully structured MLA style essays
  • Develop clear topic sentences, thesis statements, and supporting details
  • Create effective introductions and conclusions
  • Writing in various modes
ASC 88 Composition Lab

Provides supplemental and developmental instruction for students taking English 110 course. Introduction in grammar and essay writing is based on student need with time allowed for the English course assignments. This course may be repeated when additional English courses are taken. (1 credit)
Topics covered include:

  • Students attend one hour of lab class weekly
  • Each week, students complete a writing skills unit in class
  • Students are required to meet with instructor for at least one writing conference during the semester

Math Courses

Math Courses
ASC 91 Algebra Prep I

Designed for students with little or no algebra background who wish to prepare for further study in mathematics. (2 credits)
Topics covered include:

  • Basic operations
  • Variable expressions
  • Distribution
  • Algebraic equations
  • Word Applications
ASC 92 Algebra Prep II

Designed for students who need to review and strengthen basic algebra concepts. (2 credits)
Topics covered include:

  • Linear equalities/inequalities
  • Systems of linear equations
  • Exponents and polynomials
  • Rational exponents and radicals
ASC 93 Algebra Prep III

Designed for students who want to improve their higher algebra skills such as quadratic equations and rational expressions in preparation for college level algebra. (2 credits)
Topics covered include:

  • Factor polynomials
  • Rational expressions
  • Quadratic equations
  • Function graphs
  • Transformations of graphs