NDSCS Counseling Services is dedicated to helping students develop and maintain their emotional health and achieve their educational and personal goals. We promote a healthy and inclusive community through relationship building, education, crisis intervention and support. Services provided are free and confidential.
NDSCS Counseling Services adheres to strict confidentiality standards as mandated by North Dakota statutes and the American Counseling Association. Information may be shared at your request with written consent.
NDSCS Counseling Services
Sometimes the stress of managing classes, relationships and life in general can become overwhelming. NDSCS Counseling Services can help. Counseling is a process by which you and your counselor work together to better understand your thoughts, feelings and options. Even though you may believe that your problems are “not bad enough” or you may know someone else who has it worse, don’t wait to seek help while the problem gets bigger. Seeking help early during a stressful time is important. Counseling services provided include individual, crisis, groups and workshops. Services provided are free and confidential.
Students often wonder what can be helped with counseling. If you are experiencing any of the following, give us a call.
• Depression, grief and stress
• Anxiety
• Self-esteem
• Sexuality
• Eating disorders
• Sexual abuse
• Domestic abuse
• Exploration of values
• Relationships
• Substance abuse
• Body image
• Physical abuse
• Rape and crisis
• Thoughts of harm to self or others
• Parenting
NDSCS Counseling Services Contact Information
Riley Hall Room 113
Wahpeton, ND 58076
Phone: 701-671-2286
Fax: 701-671-3934
NDSCS Student Wellness offers individual counseling sessions, crisis counseling sessions, groups and workshops. We provide telehealth counseling appointments to students in ND and MN. To schedule an appointment with NDSCS Counseling Services in Wahpeton, call 701-671-2286 or through https://undgf.medicatconnect.com/
NDSCS has collaborated with NDSU Community Counseling Services to offer free and unlimited personal counseling services to NDSCS-Fargo students, conveniently located across the street from NDSCS-Fargo at 1919 N. University Drive, Suite C, Fargo, ND 58108.
To set up an appointment to access NDSU Community Counseling Services, contact:
Morgan Yaggie, NDSCS Personal Counselor
NDSCS-Wahpeton Riley Hall Room 113
Phone: 701-671-2319
Erin Berget, Academic Counselor
NDSCS-Fargo | Room 183B
Phone: 701-231-6947
Student Wellness: Riley Hall 113. Phone: 701-671-2286
How To Identify Symptoms and Make a Referral
These symptoms are listed in an effort to aid faculty and staff in making a referral to the Counseling Center or other agencies or helping professionals when necessary.
Identifying and Aiding a Person in Emotional Distress
As you know, all of us at one time or another have times that we are not ourselves and are stressed. However, there are signs and symptoms that go beyond the "normal" amount of stress of everyday life. This page has been created in an effort to help us all identify when a student is in need of assistance.
Mild Symptoms
- Lack of energy or fatigue that has lasted more than two weeks
- Change in concentration in class, unable to pay attention
- Change in eating habits, eating more or less
- Changed pattern of interaction with classmates or instructor
- Change in amount of participation in class or isolation
- Change in attendance pattern
- Change in grades from good to poor
- Change in physical appearance, lack of personal attention to self
- Physical complaints that are not the result of injury
- Sudden panic attacks or increase in anxiety symptoms
Moderate Symptoms
- Student asks for more time to hand in assignments repeatedly and is hesitant about giving a reason why more time is needed
- Inappropriate disruptive behavior in class
- Extreme emotional reactions
- Open hostility to you or classmates
Severe Symptoms
- Extremely disruptive behaviors which may be aggressive to the point of violence
- Slurred speech, garbled or unintelligible talk
- Unconnected thoughts or an inability to make sense to others when talking
- Not able to recognize time, location, people
- Expresses suicidal thoughts or actions
How to act or what to do in the above situations
- Stay calm and speak in a calm voice
- For mild or moderate symptoms, when offices are open, call Counseling Services at 701-671-2286 ext. 3-2286 or NDSCS Police at 701-671-2233 ext. 3-2233.
- For severe symptoms call NDSCS Police 701-671-2233 or 911 for transportation and protection services or
- Call Student Wellness at 701-671-2286 for consultation
What can YOU do for mild or moderate symptoms?
- Often just listening may help
- Listen in a non-judgmental manner--often this may be enough to help the student work through the problem and come up with a solution
- Express your concern regarding the student's well-being
- Avoid criticizing the student
- Explore what the student has done previously to solve similar situations and how it worked out
- Allow the student the opportunity to determine what they might do to solve the problem themselves in an appropriate manner
- Avoid becoming enmeshed (over involved) with the student and their problems
- Offer the number of Student Wellness 701-671- 2286
When to Refer
- When the problem is beyond your expertise
- When you are not comfortable
- When personality differences interfere with your ability to help
- When you know the student or their family personally and you would not be an objective person to help
- When the student is reluctant to talk to you even though they acknowledge they have a problem
- When you are stressed yourself, pressed for time or not feeling well
- When the student reminds you of someone you know who has a similar problem that hasn't been open to your suggestions
- The danger is immediate and there needs to be direct intervention because of danger to the student or someone else
How to make a Referral
It is true that some people will accept the suggestion of referral more readily than others. It is important that you are sensitive to the type of student with whom you are dealing.
- Being honest with them is almost always the very best procedure. Tell them that you are concerned about them and want them to get the best help available. If you are uncomfortable dealing with their personal issue, go ahead and tell them. The student will be pleased that you were at least observant enough to notice they had not been behaving in the same manner recently.
- Depending on the situation, have the student explore their options of people to talk with. There are many possibilities such as: a clergy person, a doctor, their parent, an old trusted friend, a grandparent, etc. If they feel they have no one to talk with, suggest someone on campus: the counselor, the student health nurse, or the police or housing office.
- Assure students that just because they feel they may need help at this time that it does not mean they are seriously ill. Many of us have more than a healthy level of stress at various times during our lifetimes and we all deal with it in different ways at different times.
- If the student does agree to be referred allow them to make the call from your office or classroom right then. It is very easy to "Just let it go" if you have just told someone how you feel and they have listened. They also will be more inclined to go and keep the appointment if you say that you are interested in how the meeting went and will ask next time you see them.
- If you still have questions about referral, just call Counseling Services and someone will be happy to speak with you about it.
This page's concept was obtained from various sources from other schools on the web and some of the author's originality.
Student Wellness: Riley Hall 113, NDSCS 800 6th St. N., Wahpeton, ND 58076. Phone: 701-671-2286 or 701-671-2319.
Counseling Resources
Students who find themselves or others in a crisis/emergency should call NDSCS Police at 701-671-2233 or 911. For other concerns that may not need immediate attention, please call NDSCS Student Wellness at 701-671-2286 to schedule an appointment. After hours, calls to Student Wellness are automatically routed to FirstLink.
Important Phone Numbers
Crisis Lines | Emergency Numbers | Medical Help Information |
Three Rivers Crisis Center 1-701-642-2115, Wahpeton |
Police 911 |
Sanford Health 1-701-642-7000, Wahpeton |
SomePlace Safe 1-800-974-3359, Fergus Falls |
Mental Health HelpLine 9-211 (On Campus) or 211 (Off Campus) |
Essentia Health 1-701-642-2000, Wahpeton |
Rape & Abuse Crisis Center 1-800-344-7273, Fargo |
Mobile Mental Health Unit 701-298-4500 |
St. Francis Healthcare Campus 1-218-643-3000, Breckenridge |
Crisis HotLine 1-701-235-SEEK |
NDSCS Counseling Center 1-701-671-2286 |
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) |
First Link (24/7 Helpline) 701-235-SEEK (7335) | 211 |
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline 988 |
NDSCS Counseling Services, in cooperation with Essentia Health, is pleased to offer Medication Management Services. Students can visit with a medical provider to see if they may benefit from medication to treat their mental health.
To access these services, students need to first make an appointment with the NDSCS Personal Counselor by calling Student Wellness at 701.671.2286. There are no fees to see either the Personal Counselor or the medical provider; however, the cost of prescriptions is the responsibility of the student. Counseling Services and Medication Management Services are available to enrolled students.
If you are interested in taking an anonymous mental health screening, click on the link below.
We know students struggle and sometimes question if they have the strength to continue. NDSCS strives to provide the support and resources to help students be safe and successful. As a student of NDSCS you are part of a community that supports and cares about you.
The NDSCS STRONG initiative is our way of helping students recognize they are supported and letting students know the campus cares about their safety. When you see the NDSCS STRONG logo, know that you have options, hope, and a community of people who are willing to help you through the hard times.
"Positive and supportive social relationships and community connections can help buffer the effects of risk factors in people’s lives."
Suicide Prevention Resource Center (1994-2018). A Comprehensive Approach to Suicide Prevention. Retrieved June 20, 2018, from https://www.sprc.org/effective-prevention/comprehensive-approach
Suicide prevention is our shared responsibility. NDSCS wants to equip our campus community with the skills necessary to help others who may be having thoughts of suicide.
Suicide Awareness and Prevention FAQ
Q: How do I recognize someone who may be thinking about suicide?
A: Most people who are thinking about suicide are experiencing depression and/or show changes in behavior.
Here are some signs:
- Talking about killing themselves/death/dying/or statements of finality
- Hopelessness
- Depressed mood
- Not caring about things that used to be important to them
- Increased use of alcohol or drugs
- Withdrawing/changes in behavior
- Giving away personal items
- Abrupt shift from depressed mood to feeling relief
Q: I think someone may be having suicidal thoughts – what do I do?
A: Ask, ask, ask!
- Be direct. Ask, “Are you thinking about suicide?”
- You will not “give” them the idea. If they are at risk, they already have the idea. - Be supportive and listen. You may be the first person who showed the courage to ask them about their thoughts.
Q: What if they say they are having thoughts of suicide.
A: Stay with the person
- Continue to listen and be supportive
- Seek additional help with the situation
- Your options are to call:
- 911
- NDSCS Police 701.671.2233
- Counseling Services 701.671.2286 (phones answered 24/7)
- An RA or RD
Here are some additional resources to better understand your mental health and hear what your fellow Wildcats have to say about mental health.
February - National Eating Disorders Awareness Month
March - Bipolar Disorder Awareness
May - Mental Health Awareness Month
September - Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
October - Depression Awareness Month
Mental Health Topics Impacting Today's College Student
- Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
- Anxiety
- Bipolar Disorder
- Depression
- Eating Disorders
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Schizophrenia
- Suicide Prevention
External Resources
- American Psychiatric Association
- JED Foundation
- Mental Health America
- National Institute of Mental Health
Mental Health Videos
The external links contained on the NDSCS Counseling Services web site are provided as useful information to further your understanding of mental health. Listing these sites does not indicate endorsement by Counseling Services or NDSCS. While these resources can be helpful, we do not necessarily recommend self-help as a sole course of treatment and is not intended to be a substitute for mental health services provided by a professional. Please contact Counseling Services to assist you with any mental health questions or if you would like to establish an appointment.
NDSCS Counseling Services is responsive to the needs of students of diverse backgrounds, cultures, ethnic groups, ages, and ability, and is LGBTQ affirming.