Academic Standing

The academic warning, probation and suspension policy is designed to give a student every possible opportunity to be successful in a college program.

The student is expected to maintain the following cumulative grade-point average:

GPA Units Institutional GPA
9-16 1.50
17-33 1.75
34-50 1.85
51+ 2.00

Academic Warning

Failure to maintain the indicated grade point average will result in the student being placed on academic warning. Students and their advisors are notified in writing that the quality of the student’s work has fallen below acceptable standards and should this unsatisfactory condition continue during the  subsequent semester, the student may be placed on academic probation.

Academic Probation

After one semester on academic warning, students may be placed on academic probation if their cumulative grade-point averages are not within the limits previously stated.

If the student achieves at least a 2.0 GPA during the subsequent semester(s) of  enrollment but still does not achieve the required cumulative grade point average, he/she continues on probation until that requirement is satisfied (Summer session is equivalent to one semester.)

Any student who is on academic probation and transfers from one department or division to another will continue to be on probation in the new program until the probationary terms are met.

Academic Suspension

Students who fail to achieve at least a 2.0 grade point average for each of the subsequent semesters while on probation will be placed on academic suspension. Students who are suspended will not be readmitted until a lapse of one regular semester (fall or spring) has occurred. Suspended students are not eligible to attend summer school.

Students who choose to appeal their academic suspension may do so by following the Academic Reinstatement Process listed below.

If a reinstatement is granted and the student does not meet the required GPA the semester they are reinstated, the student will be suspended for one academic year with no option for appeal.

Note: All students placed on academic warning, academic probation, continued on probation or reinstated on suspension will be contacted by a Student Success staff member.

Academic Reinstatement Process

A student, who is notified they are on academic suspension, may appeal the suspension by completing the Appeal for Academic Reinstatement Form and filing it with the Enrollment Services office by the date stated in the Notification of Suspension. Appeals received after the required submission date will only be considered if significant extenuating circumstances exist. Students appealing their suspension must provide supporting documentation explaining the compelling circumstances they wish to have considered. Examples of compelling evidence may include: documented medical conditions, death of a family member, divorce and/or dependent support issues, legal problems and other extenuating circumstances that have affected the student’s ability to meet required academic standards. This form is available through the Registrar’s office, Haverty Hall, Room 101, by calling 701-671-2521, or online here:

Academic Reinstatement Form

The registrar or other designated academic official will gather the appeal request and academic information from the student. The Academic Review Committee will review provided documentation, meet with the student and make a decision to lift or uphold the suspension.

If the suspension is upheld, the student may advance a written appeal to the vice president for academic affairs within five business days of the response. The vice president or his/her designee shall review the appeal and other relevant information and inform the student of the decision within five business days. The decision of the vice president is final.

If the student chooses to appeal an academic suspension decision, he/she is allowed to register and attend classes pending a resolution of the appeal. The student is responsible for any charges (tuition, fees, housing, dining services, tools, etc.) incurred during the review process. The student must adhere to the NDSCS Student Guide to Rights and Responsibilities: A Code of Conduct.

All students have the right to present an appeal in accordance to the steps outlined in this policy and are assured freedom from discrimination, coercion, restraint or reprisal in presenting appeal.

Academic Support Resources

To help you better understand what this means for you, please schedule a meeting with the below offices.  Your follow-up with these offices is going to be critical to your success and ability to continue at NDSCS.

  • Schedule a meeting with the Student Success Center by calling 701-671-3000 or via email at Contact the NDSCS Student Success Center as soon as possible to discuss strategies to improve your academic progress. 
  • Meet with your Academic Advisor. They will help you review your course schedule and ensure you are on the path to attaining your degree. Your advisor's contact information can be found on Campus Connection or you can call the Student Success Center for assistance at 701-671-3000.
  • Contact the Financial Aid Office. Being on Academic Probation may impact future financial aid awards. The Financial Aid Office is located in Room 101 of Haverty Hall or you may call 701-671-2207 or 1-800-342-4325, ext. 32207.

NDSCS Students are strongly encouraged to use the below services. They are free and can be valuable resources to assist you in meeting the academic standards that will allow you to earn your degree.

  • Academic Tutoring: Click here for Information on tutoring schedule, hours and location.
  • Health & Personal Counseling: Personal counseling and health services can assist students with a variety of issues and are completely confidential. To make an appointment please call 701-671-2286 or for after-hours help 701-235-7335. Click here for more information.
  • Career Development: The Academic & Career Counselor can assist you with exploring majors and career paths that match your strengths, values and interests. To make an appointment please call 701-671-3000. 
  • Accessibility Services: The Student Accessibility Coordinator can assist you in providing equal access and opportunity to all academic programs and campus activities for students with disabilities.  To make an appointment please call 701-671-3000 or stop in to the Student Success Center in Old Main 130.  Click here for more information.