The General Business Management core taught at NDSCS-Fargo covers business law, communication skills, customer relations, economics, entrepreneurship, financial analysis, human resources management, marketing, operations, professional development and strategic management.
Careers in business management are considered backbone careers. Earning your degree in business management will prepare you for management positions and career paths within companies so that you can move up the corporate ladder.
Upon completion, students will be awarded an Associate in Applied Science degree in Business Management with an emphasis in General Business Management.
For more information
Contact a Fargo Admissions Representative at 701-231-6935.
Course # | Name (credits) |
ACCT 200 | Elements of Accounting (4) |
BUSN 282 | Professional Development (1) |
BUSN 120 | Fundamentals of Business (3) |
BADM 201 | Principles of Marketing (3) |
COMM 110 | Fundamentals of Public Speaking (3) |
BADM 240 | Sales (3) |
FYE 101 | First Year Experience (1) |
Course # | Name (credits) |
ACCT 201 | Elements of Accounting II (4) |
BADM 103 | Leadership Techniques (1) |
ENGL 110 | College Composition I (3) |
BADM 251 | Personal Finance (3) |
BADM 202 | Principles of Management (3) |
BOTE 108 or MATH 103 | Business Math or College Algebra (3) |
Course # | Name (credits) |
ACCT 215 | Business in the Legal Environment (3) |
ECON | Elements/Micro/Macro (3) |
CIS 101 | Computer Literacy (2) |
BADM 282 | Human Resource Management (3) |
ENGL 120 or ENGL 125 | College Composition II or Professional Writing (3) |
BADM 234 | Customer Service (2) |
Wellness Elective | (2) |
Course # | Name (credits) |
BUSN 254 | Financial Statement Analysis (3) |
BADM 281 | Organizational Behavior (3) |
BUSN 170 | Entrepreneurship (3) |
BADM 291 | Career Seminar (3) |
Electives | See advisor (3) |