Instructional Area: Promotion (PR)
Standard: Understands the concepts and strategies needed to communicate information about products, services, images, and/or ideas to achieve a desired outcome
Performance Element: Acquire a foundational knowledge of promotion to understand its nature and scope.
Performance Indicators:
Explain the role of promotion as a marketing function (PR:001, LAP-PR-002) (CS)
Explain the types of promotion (PR:002, LAP-PR-004) (CS)
Identify the elements of the promotional mix (PR:003, LAP-PR-001) (SP)
Describe the use of business ethics in promotion (PR:099) (SP)
Describe the use of technology in the promotion function (PR:100) (SP)
Describe the regulation of promotion (PR:101) (SP)
Performance Element: Understand promotional channels used to communicate with targeted audiences.
Performance Indicators:
Explain types of advertising media (PR:007, LAP-PR-003) (SP)
Describe word-of-mouth channels used to communicate with targeted audiences (PR:247) (SP)
Explain the nature of direct marketing channels (PR:089) (SP)
Identify communications channels used in sales promotion (PR:249) (SP)
Explain communications channels used in public-relations activities (PR:250) (SP)
Performance Element: Understand the use of an advertisement's components to communicate with targeted audiences.
Performance Indicators:
Explain the components of advertisements (PR:014) (SP)
Explain the importance of coordinating elements in advertisements (PR:251) (SP)
Performance Element: Understand the use of public-relations activities to communicate with targeted audiences.
Performance Indicators:
Identify types of public-relations activities (PR:252) (SP)
Discuss internal and external audiences for public-relations activities (PR:253) (SP)
Performance Element: Understand promotion activities to show an in-depth understanding of their nature and scope.
Performance Indicators:
Explain considerations affecting global promotion (PR:117) (SP)
Explain the marketing-communications development process (PR:316) (SP)
Performance Element: Utilize word-of-mouth strategies to build brand and to promote products.
Performance Indicators:
Explain the nature of word-of-mouth (WOM) strategies (PR:319) (SP)
Discuss the role of customer voice in word-of-mouth strategies (PR:363) (SP)
Explain the nature of buzz-marketing (PR:317) (SP)
Explain considerations in developing viral marketing campaigns (PR:312) (SP)
Describe considerations in developing customer evangelists (PR:273) (SP)
Explain the use of celebrities/influencers as a WOM strategy (PR:321) (SP)
Describe referral programs that can be used to build brand/promote products (PR:277) (SP)
Performance Element: Use product placement to build brand and to promote products.
Performance Indicators:
Explain the use of product placement (PR:323) (SP)
Performance Element: Understand the use of direct marketing to attract attention and to build brand.
Performance Indicators:
Discuss types of direct mail tactics (PR:301) (SP)
Explain the nature of online advertising (e.g., advergaming, virtual worlds, display ads, banner ads,
pop-up ads, pay-per-click ads, etc.) (PR:164) (SP)
Explain the nature of email marketing tactics (PR:165) (SP)
Explain the role of business websites in digital marketing (PR:364) (SP)
Explain the use of social media for digital marketing (PR:365) (SP)
Describe the use of blogging for marketing communications (PR:281) (SP)
Explain the use of RSS feeds (PR:324) (SP)
Discuss the use of podcasts/webcasts (PR:298) (SP)
Discuss the use of social bookmarking/tagging (PR:300) (SP)
Explain the use of video/images for digital marketing (PR:366) (SP)
Describe mobile marketing tactics (PR:276) (SP)
Explain mobile marketing applications (PR:367) (SP)
Discuss the use of search-engine optimization tactics for digital marketing (PR:299) (SP)
Performance Element: Develop content for use in marketing communications to create interest in product/business/idea.
Performance Indicators:
Identify effective advertising headlines (PR:330) (SP)
Explain the use of storytelling in marketing (PR:388) (SP)
Describe the nature of copy strategies (PR:126) (SP)
Write copy for advertisements (PR:368) (SP)
Discuss the nature of effective direct-mail copy (PR:294) (SP)
Write direct-mail letters (PR:122) (SP)
Describe the nature of effective Internet ad copy (PR:279) (SP)
Write e-mail marketing copy (PR:362) (SP)
Execute targeted emails (PR:166) (SP)
Write content for use on the website (PR:370) (SP)
Write content for use in social media (PR:371) (SP)
Maintain a consistent brand voice in social content (PR:389) (SP)
Develop and package content for social distribution (PR:390) (SP)
Explain the nature of effective mobile ad copy (PR:318) (SP)
Write mobile marketing content (PR:372) (SP)
Repurpose content for use in multiple platforms (PR:373) (SP)
Performance Element: Understand design principles to be able to communicate needs to designers.
Performance Indicators:
Describe the use of color in advertisements (PR:123) (SP)
Describe the elements of design (PR:222) (SP)
Explain the use of illustrations in advertisements (PR:322) (SP)
Discuss the nature of typography (PR:295) (SP)
Explain type styles used in advertisements (PR:326) (SP)
Describe effective advertising layouts (PR:275) (SP)
Identify types of drawing media (PR:334) (SP)
Explain the impact of color harmonies on composition (PR:314) (SP)
Describe digital color concepts (PR:274) (SP)
Performance Element: Critique advertisements to ensure achievement of marketing communications goals/objectives.
Performance Indicators:
Check advertising proofs (PR:130) (SP)
Performance Element: Understand how a website presence can be used to promote business/product.
Performance Indicators:
Explain website-development process (PR:328) (SP)
Identify strategies for attracting targeted audience to website (PR:333) (SP)
Performance Element: Manage media planning and placement to enhance return on marketing investment.
Performance Indicators:
Determine advertising reach of media (PR:225) (SP)
Read media schedule (PR:348) (SP)
Calculate media costs (PR:009) (SP)
Choose appropriate media outlets (PR:230) (SP)
Negotiate terms with media owner (PR:340) (SP)
Schedule ads and commercials (PR:131) (SP)
Select placement of advertisements (PR:132) (SP)
Buy ad space/time (PR:104) (SP)
Identify techniques to increase ad response time (PR:231) (SP)
Performance Element: Utilize publicity to inform stakeholders of business activities.
Performance Indicators:
Explain the impact of digital techniques on public relations practices (PR:376) (SP)
Write a press release (PR:057) (SP)
Create a public-service announcement (PR:268) (SP)
Create a press kit (PR:226) (SP)
Cultivate media relationships (PR:185) (SP)
Performance Element: Utilize publicity/public-relations activities to create goodwill with stakeholders.
Performance Indicators:
Analyze costs/benefits of company participation in community activities (PR:056) (SP)
Explain current issues/trends in public relations (PR:313) (SP)
Describe the use of crisis management in public relations (PR:282) (SP)
Performance Element: Employ sales-promotion activities to inform or remind customers of business/product.
Performance Indicators:
Create promotional signage (PR:391) (SP)
Collaborate in the design of slogans/taglines (PR:266) (SP)
Collaborate in the design of collateral materials to promote frequency/loyalty marketing program
(PR:233) (SP)
Participate in the design of collateral materials to promote special event (PR:234) (SP)
Set up cross-promotions (PR:235) (SP)
Explain how businesses can use trade-show/exposition participation to communicate with targeted
audiences (PR:254) (SP)
Participate in trade shows/expositions (PR:236) (SP)
Explain considerations used to evaluate whether to participate in trade shows/expositions (PR:255)(SP)
Performance Element: Develop marketing/creative briefs to apprise staff and client of promotional strategy.
Performance Indicators:
Discuss the use of marketing/creative briefs (PR:297) (SP)
Performance Element: Work with advertising agency to create marketing communications.
Performance Indicators:
Explain the use of advertising agencies (PR:081) (SP)
Performance Element: Plan marketing communications to maximize effectiveness and to minimize costs.
Performance Indicators:
Explain the nature of a promotional plan (PR:073) (SP)
Coordinate activities in the promotional mix (PR:076) (SP)
Performance Element: Implement and monitor promotional activities to maximize return on promotional efforts.
Performance Indicators:
Monitor user-generated content (UGC) (PR:393) (SP)
Moderate social chats (PR:394) (SP)
Leverage social networks for customer engagement (PR:379) (SP)
Implement strategies to grow social-media following (PR:395) (SP)
Implement digital marketing campaign (PR:381) (SP)