Resident Assistants (RAs) at NDSCS are student staff members in the residence halls who create and promote safe and inclusive living and learning communities on campus. Any current or incoming student can apply to become an RA.
To apply for an RA position, click here.

RA Responsibilities
- Supporting fellow NDSCS students
- Developing community
- Planning building-wide events
- Assisting with safety and security
- Performing administrative tasks
Benefits of Becoming an RA
- Excellent leadership training
- Work experience in a convenient and accommodating setting
- Free single room
Compensation Benefits
Total Compensation Valued at $10,028 for the academic year, including:
- Full Room Waiver for a single room (valued at $4,728)
- $4,800 in pay
- $500 completion bonus ($250 paid upon completion of fall semester and $250 paid upon completion of spring semester)
Who Should Become an RA?
If you…
- love meeting new people
- enjoy supporting others
- want to have an enriching college experience
- want to be involved
Qualifications and Requirements
- Maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA)
- Outside employment must be approved by the Department of Residential Life and must not exceed 10 hours a week excluding weekends
- Notify Senior Staff of any extracurricular activities you are involved in
- Uphold a level of personal conduct appropriate to the responsibilities of the job
- Abide by all College and hall policies, as well as state and federal laws