Parents and family members play an integral part of the college experience for NDSCS students.
NDSCS recognizes this and strives to create a positive partnership with you. We hope that you find the information in this section helpful in answering your questions about NDSCS and identifying ways you can support, encourage and connect with your student.
Before your student starts college, there are things that can be done to assist in a smooth transition.
- Have your student verify that all of their FINAL official transcripts have been received by Enrollment Services by checking their To Do List in CampusConnection. Transcripts MUST be received by the first day of the classes. Call 701-671-2521 with questions.
- Have your student verify that all of their Immunization Records (MMR, Meningococcal) have been received by Student Health Services by checking their To Do List in CampusConnection. Call 701-671-2521 with questions.
- Ensure your family member has completed the FAFSA. For more information on FAFSA, please visit NDSCS.edu/FinancialAid.
o If FAFSA so not provide enough aid to cover all the costs, apply for an Alternative Student Loan. For more information, please visit Alternative Loan Options. - Your student can enroll in Direct Deposit through CampusConnection > Financial Account > Direct Deposit
- Talk with your student about any supplies needed for college.
FERPA is a federal law which was passed in 1974. The law protects the privacy of student educational records and provides rights to students for access to and amendment of those records. FERPA applies to any higher education institutions receiving federal funds administered by the Department of Education (DOE).
Under FERPA, some information in a student’s record is considered public (directory information) and may be released without the student’s written permission. This information includes: (a) name (all names on record); (b) address (all addresses on record); (c) e-mail address (all electronic addresses on record); (d) phone number (all phone numbers on record); (e) height, weight and photos of athletic team members; (f) major field of study (all declared majors); (g) class level; (h) dates of attendance; (i) enrollment status (full-time or part-time); (j) names of previous institutions attended; (k) participation in officially recognized activities and sports; (l) honors/awards received; (m) degree earned (all degrees earned); (n) date degree earned (dates of all degrees earned); (o) photographic, video or electronic images of students taken and maintained by the institution.
Students who wish to release certain information to their family and others must complete and submit the FERPA Release Form to NDSCS Enrollment Services.
Additional information regarding FERPA may be found in the NDSCS College Catalog.
To complete a FERPA release form:
1. Log into your Campus Connection account
2. Click on the eForms tile
3. On the left hand side, select Enrollment Services
4. Select FERPA Release Form
5. Fill out form and click on Submit
NDSCS is committed to making a college education accessible and affordable for all students.
Students often use a combination of resources to help pay for college, including financial help from families, loans, grants, scholarships, and work-study.
To learn more about the cost of a college education at NDSCS, please visit Paying for College.
Financial Aid is money to help students pay for college and includes grants, work-study (student employment) and low-interest loans. Students don’t necessarily have to be in a low-income category to qualify for financial aid. For more information about Financial Aid, please visit NDSCS.edu/FinancialAid.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, FAFSA, is the form used to apply for financial aid. For steps on how to apply, please visit Steps to Apply.
Students are encouraged to take an active role in their education.
New NDSCS Students
New NDSCS Online students should work with a Program Advisor to discuss their academic plan and get guidance on registering and class sequence.
- For information on the steps for getting started, please visit Get Started.
New NDSCS Wahpeton and Fargo students must attend a New Student Registration day.
- For more information on New Student Registration, please visit NDSCS.edu/Registration.
Returning NDSCS Students
Returning students should log into their CampusConnection account to review any holds, and meet with their Academic Advisor to assist in developing a class schedule and review progress towards graduation. For more information, visit Registering for Classes. Students are encouraged to get registered for their next semester as soon as registration opens.
Department | Phone Number |
Student Success Center (general questions, academic help, course questions/registration, etc.) | 701-671-3000 |
Customer Service Desk | 701-671-2401 |
Enrollment Services (Admissions and Records) | 701-671-2521 |
Financial Aid | 701-671-2207 |
Business Affairs Office (Paying Your Bill) | 701-671-2216 |
Accessibility Support Services | 701-671-2623 |
Career Services | 701-671-2272 |
Veteran Affairs (VA) Certifying Official | 701-671-2204 |
IT Service Desk (Questions about CampusConnection password, email, etc.) | 701-671-3333 |
Human Resources (Student Employment) | 701-671-2903 |
NDSCS Bookstore | 701-671-2125 |
NDSCS Police | 701-671-2233 |
Student Wellness (Campus Nurse and Counseling) | 701-671-2286 |
Residential Life (Housing) | 701-671-2224 |
Dining Services | 701-671-2321 |
Student Sponsorship | 701-671-2234 |
Student Activities | 701-671-2109 |
Test Center | 701-671-2256 |
NDSCS-Fargo | 701-231-6900 |
For all other phone numbers view the NDSCS Directory.
NDSCS has various policies and procedures to ensure students’ learning environment is safe and fair. It is vital for all individuals to conduct themselves in a manner that does not negatively affect the educational mission of the College or the welfare of themselves or others. This includes promoting an environment conducive to learning and nurturing a sense of shared and mutual community responsibility. Community responsibility also involves awareness of how personal decisions affect others. Students are notified of their rights and responsibilities during New Student Orientation and throughout their time as a student.
To find out more about students’ rights and responsibilities, please visit NDSCS.edu/Student-Rights.
Housing (Wahpeton students)
Research shows that students who live on campus achieve higher GPAs, are more likely to graduate, and report higher overall satisfaction with their college experience. On-campus living offers the opportunity to make new friends and become part of the Wildcat community. Their new living situation will create new freedoms and responsibilities.
To find out more about how to apply for housing, housing options, roommate/hall assignments, what to bring when moving in, and more, please visit NDSCS.edu/Residential-Life.
It is recommended to discuss with your student what they plan to bring to campus. For more information, please visit the 'What Should I Bring' section.
Dining Services
Dining Services has two dining options at NDSCS Wahpeton and one option at NDSCS Fargo. All students living in a residence hall are required to purchase a Dining Plan. For more information, please visit Dining Services.