We know students struggle and sometimes question if they have the strength to continue. NDSCS strives to provide the support and resources to help students be safe and successful. As a student of NDSCS you are part of a community that supports and cares about you.
The NDSCS STRONG initiative is our way of helping students recognize they are supported and letting students know the campus cares about their safety. When you see the NDSCS STRONG logo, know that you have options, hope, and a community of people who are willing to help you through the hard times.
"Positive and supportive social relationships and community connections can help buffer the effects of risk factors in people’s lives."
Suicide Prevention Resource Center (1994-2018). A Comprehensive Approach to Suicide Prevention. Retrieved June 20, 2018, from https://www.sprc.org/effective-prevention/comprehensive-approach
Suicide prevention is our shared responsibility. NDSCS wants to equip our campus community with the skills necessary to help others who may be having thoughts of suicide.
Suicide Awareness and Prevention FAQ
Q: How do I recognize someone who may be thinking about suicide?
A: Most people who are thinking about suicide are experiencing depression and/or show changes in behavior.
Here are some signs:
- Talking about killing themselves/death/dying/or statements of finality
- Hopelessness
- Depressed mood
- Not caring about things that used to be important to them
- Increased use of alcohol or drugs
- Withdrawing/changes in behavior
- Giving away personal items
- Abrupt shift from depressed mood to feeling relief
Q: I think someone may be having suicidal thoughts – what do I do?
A: Ask, ask, ask!
- Be direct. Ask, “Are you thinking about suicide?”
- You will not “give” them the idea. If they are at risk, they already have the idea. - Be supportive and listen. You may be the first person who showed the courage to ask them about their thoughts.
Q: What if they say they are having thoughts of suicide.
A: Stay with the person
- Continue to listen and be supportive
- Seek additional help with the situation
- Your options are to call:
- 911
- Campus Police 701.671.2233
- Counseling Services 701.671.2286 (phones answered 24/7)
- An RA or RD