InterLibrary Loans

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is the process by which a library requests material from, or supplies material to, another library.

The purpose of ILL services is to obtain, upon request of a library user, material not available at the Mildred Johnson Library.

Guidelines and Policies

Because there are significant costs involved in providing ILL services, the following guidelines and policies are in place to ensure that these services can be continued economically:

  • You must be a current NDSCS student, faculty, or staff member.
  • Use the resources of the Mildred Johnson Library first when looking for information.
  • Use the ODIN library catalog to make an electronic request or ask for ILL forms available at the reference desk.
  • For physical item requests, allow at least one week for the material to arrive.
  • You will be notified by e-mail or phone when your materials are available for pick up at the Mildred Johnson Library.  A $5 per item fee will be charged for failure to pick up ILL materials.
  • Return ILL materials to the Mildred Johnson Library circulation desk by their due dates. The lending library sets the loan period. Any late fines charged to us by the lending library will be passed on to individual borrowers.

For InterLibrary Loan Requests, please use the below forms. Print the applicable form and bring your request into the Mildred Johnson Library or save the form to your computer and email it to with ILL Request typed in the Subject line.

Mildred Johnson Library