Jacqueline Ware-Sodsod Jacqueline Ware-Sodsod Career and Academic Counselor Student Success Center 701-671-2488 jacqueline.ware@ndscs.edu Old Main 110C Wahpeton
Nathan Weber Nathan Weber Part-time Academic Instructor Mathematics and Science nathan.r.weber@ndscs.edu Online
Duane Wesolick Duane Wesolick Part-time Academic Instructor Social and Behavioral Sciences duane.wesolick@ndscs.edu Online
Benjamin Whitmore Benjamin Whitmore Associate Professor/Program Coordinator Culinary Arts 701-671-2842 benjamin.whitmore@ndscs.edu Hektner Student Center 130 Wahpeton
Nicholas Williamson Nicholas Williamson Part-Time Building Services Technician Facilities Management 701-671-2467 (Work Orders 701-671-2313) nicholas.williamson@ndscs.edu Patterson Maintenance Center Wahpeton
Sara Wilson Sara Wilson Instructor Nursing 701-671-2487 sara.wilson@ndscs.edu Mayme Green Allied Health Wahpeton
Nichole Wischnak Nichole Wischnak Director of Workforce Affairs & Sales Workforce Affairs Division 701-231-6912 nichole.wischnak@ndscs.edu NDSCS-Fargo 147C Fargo
Lisa Wixo Lisa Wixo Instructor Business Administration and Management 701-671-2272 lisa.wixo@ndscs.edu Horton Hall 229 Wahpeton
Kelly Wolf Kelly Wolf Assistant Professor Social and Behavioral Sciences 701-671-2142 kelly.wolf@ndscs.edu Old Main 436 Wahpeton
Bryan Wolfgram Bryan Wolfgram Associate Professor Building Construction Technology 701-671-2140 / Cell 640-4111 bryan.wolfgram@ndscs.edu Building Construction 109 | Horton Hall 238 Wahpeton
Jessica Woods Jessica Woods Instructor/Program Coordinator Welding Technology 701-671-2430 jessica.woods@ndscs.edu Tech Center 147 Wahpeton
Wanda Worrel Wanda Worrel Administrative Assistant Center for Teaching, Learning, and Innovation 701-671-2566 wanda.worrel@ndscs.edu Mildred Johnson Library 112 Online Wahpeton