KSCS Wildcat Radio

KSCS Radio logo

Who are we?
The KSCS Wildcat Radio Club is comprised of NDSCS students and faculty who produce their own podcasts or radio shows. Their recording studio is in the Stern Cultural Center on the campus of NDSCS.

What is “a podcast”?
A podcast is a digital audio file made available on the internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series. New installments, or episodes, can be received by subscribers automatically. Wildcat Radio Podcasts run generally 20 to 45 minutes per episode.

What is “a radio show”?
A radio show is a 2-hour showcase of a genre of music introduced by a host or hosts. A radio show may be pre-corded or broadcast live depending on the needs of the station. A typical Wildcat Radio Show runs 2 hours.

Who is eligible to participate?

  • Any student who is enrolled full-time at NDSCS
  • Students must earn and maintain a 2.0 GPA
  • Students must adhere to the code of conduct form and abide by the station rules and club bylaws.

How do I join?
Contact Bryan Poyzer, club advisor and Program Coordinator of the Performing Arts

  • KSCS Wildcat Radio Club members are required to sign a Participation Agreement.
  • Members are required to participate in all team meetings and events.

What is the cost?
Currently there is no cost to be a club member and participate in producing or hosting on KSCS Wildcat Radio

How does KSCS contribute to the culture on campus?

  • To enrich people's lives through responsive lifelong learning in a dynamic educational and technological environment……..NDSCS Vision Statement
  • Engage the campus community in a lifelong learning environment inside and outside the classroom…………….NDSCS L.I.F.E. Value
  • Work with others and conduct ourselves in a respectful, ethical, honest, and trusting manner…………………NDSCS L.I.F.E. Value

Contact for more information:
Bryan Poyzer

Podcasts produced by KSCS

Click on a podcast to be redirected to a list of its episodes.

Adaptations with Abby

Hagios Stories

DDWD podcast

Down and Dirty with Diesel

Jamison's podcast

Torque 'N Wrench

Keeping It Real with Brooke

Keeping It Real with Brooke

Dungeoning Your Dragon podcast

Dungeoning Your Dragon
(A Vague Guide into D&D)

Ag Bros logo

The Ag Brothers