Fall 2025
Course # | Subject | Course Name | College Credits | Instructor |
32182 | ACCT 102 | Fundamentals of Accounting | 3 | Marquette |
32183 | ACCT 200 | Elements of Accounting I | 3 | Schreiber |
32184 | ACCT 215 | Business in the Legal Environment | 3 | Marquette |
32244 | BADM 282 | Human Resource Management | 3 | Marquette |
32185 | BIOL 115 | Concepts of Anatomy & Physiology I | 3 | Armour |
32186 |
BIOL 115L | Concepts of Anatomy & Physiology I Lab |
1 |
S. King |
32187 | BIOL 220 | Anatomy & Physiology I | 3 | Armour |
32188 | BIOL 220L | Anatomy & Physiology I Lab | 1 | Weber |
32189 | BIOL 221 | Anatomy & Physiology II | 3 | Armour |
32190 | BIOL 221L | Anatomy & Physiology II Lab | 1 | Weber |
32192 | BOTE 171 | Medical Terminology | 3 | TBD |
32193 | CIS 101 | Digital Literacy *2 credits required for certain NDSCS programs. See course catalog | 2 | Hackey |
32195 | CIS 164 | Networking Fundamentals I | 4 | Reichenbach |
32195 | CIS 180 | HTML and CSS | 3 | Schillinger |
32196 |
CIS 183 | Social Media Marketing |
3 |
Schillinger |
32198 | CIS 232 | Graphics Design | 3 | Schillinger |
32199 | CSCI 101 | Software Apps and Digital Literacy | 3 | Schillinger |
32200 | COMM 110 | Fundamentals of Public Speaking | 3 | Woods |
32201 | COMM 110 | Fundamentals of Public Speaking | 3 | Gunnerson |
32203 | ECON 201 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 | Partapurwala |
32204 | ENGL 110 | College Composition I | 3 | Lill |
32205 | ENGL 120 | College Composition II | 3 | Marman |
32206 |
ENGL 125 | Intro to Professional Writing |
3 |
Chinwongs |
32207 |
ENGL 211 | Intro to Creative Writing |
3 |
Deuser |
32208 |
ENGL 220 | Introduction to Literature |
3 |
Wiseman |
32209 |
HIST 102 | Western Civilization II |
3 |
Wesolick |
32210 |
HIST 104 | US History Since 1877 |
3 |
Learn |
32211 | HPER 207 | Prevention and Care of Injuries |
3 |
Knodel |
32212 | HPER 210 | First Aid & CPR (Prof/Comm) |
2 |
Mastel |
32213 |
HPER 217 | Personal & Community Health |
3 |
Passa |
32214 | HUM 101 | Intro to Humanities |
3 |
Priebe |
32215 | MATH 103 | College Algebra |
3 |
Bornsen |
32216 |
NUTR 240 | Nutrition and Diet Therapy |
3 |
Smith |
32217 | PHIL 215 | Contemporary Moral Issues |
3 |
Arandia |
32218 |
PSYC 111 | Intro to Psychology |
3 |
Gulbro |
32220 |
PSYC 250 | Developmental Psychology |
3 |
Krueger |
32222 |
SOC 110 | Intro to Sociology |
3 |
Wolf |
1st 8 wk course | ||||
2nd 8 wk course |
*When enrolling in a lab science class, you must enroll in the lecture AND lab.
Find more information, including course descriptions in our online Course Catalog.
Learn more about NDSCS Dual Credit.
Find printable instructions on how to enroll in classes.
September 3, 2025 - final day to add an online class
Questions? We're here to help!
Toll Free: 1-800-342-4325 ext 2437
Local: 701-671-2437
Email: NDSCS.DualCredit@ndscs.edu