Students from the North Dakota State College of Science Diesel Technology program took top honors in the Colorado TopTech Skills Competition. Mason Vogeler was named the top student technician, and Dillon Bischoff placed second. The participants’ scores from each of nine categories were combined for an overall score for the competition.
Three NDSCS students were named the high scorers in multiple categories of the competition. Those students and categories are:
• Dillon Bischoff: CSA/Out of Service, Wheel End, and Precision Measuring categories
• Mason Vogeler: Electrical and Fasteners categories
• Baron Van Oosting: Written Test and Brake Station categories
By placing first overall, Mason Vogeler qualified to participate in the national competition in September. Other participants from NDSCS included Bridger Crandall and Dillon Schramm.
The TopTech Skills Competition tests the skills of diesel technicians in multiple heavy duty maintenance categories. The competition included a written test and several hands-on stations. The contest, held in Denver, was conducted by the Colorado Motor Carriers Association.