Hart selected for Best in Class Teaching Award

Jeff Hart with award

NDSCS Social and Behavioral Sciences Associate Professor Jeff Hart has been selected as the third place winner of the Economist Educators Best in Class Teaching Award, sponsored by the National Economics Teaching Association (NETA) and Cengage. He presented his winning entry at the Economics Teaching Conference in Kansas City, Mo.

Economist Educators Best in Class Teaching Award Contest entrants submit a description of a lesson they created for an Economics course, along with a video describing the technique. Entries are judged based on originality and creativity, ease of implementation of teaching techniques, and value of successful student outcomes.

Hart’s award-winning lesson uses agriculture news reports and market headlines to teach students about supply and demand, and the corresponding impact on price and quantity in the market. Students also create scenarios that illustrate changes in supply and demand. The lesson is interesting and applicable to Hart’s students, many of whom have farm experience.